AbdulRazaq Mukeso

Lateef Olamilekan

When I first heard that there is a man in my homestead aspiring to become the governor of Kwara State under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, I paused for a while.

I paused to ask if it is just another case of a visionless advocacy for an unprepared personality to take charge of the mantle of leadership in this our beloved state.

I also pause to ask if it's a rare case of personality with a vision and passion for rescuing the long forgotten masses of Kwara State. 

The answer to this I believe is, or should be of great importance to the people of Kwara State, because ordinarily it ought to be the basis upon which they should give their mandate.

To this effect, I tried to see if I can provide answer to the above question. 

My desire to answer this question compelled me to raise questions like; who is he? What are his antecedents? What has he achieved so far? How tall does he stand intellectually? How much does he know of the real need of his people? 

What practical blueprint does he have to turn their fortunes around, economically, socially, educationally and politically, among others?

In the course of my investigation, I detected that he's not in any match for the incumbent Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq who's an all round performer, from Education, to health, to infrastructure, to technology and his iconic social investment scheme.

The PDP candidate on the other hand doesn't even have any track record, he was even until his emergence as the opposition flag bearer was a Federal Commissioner under the platform of the APC.

He had even at a fora highlighted the achievement of the APC in Lagos as his role model and not even the one of their leader whom they adjudged as the best thing after slice bread.

Recently, Governor AbdulRazaq launched another grant for artisans in the state and also announced free transport for students of the state schooling up North.

If all these are what to go by, then the discerning Kwarans wouldn't return to the dark ages and would resoundingly re-elect AbdulRazaq for a second term.

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