Story of Allman who married 7 husbands shares details of how she copes

By Our Correspondent

Before we dig into the story of Allman, a little reminder Just as it was written in the bible during the time of Moses the only time when a woman marries more than one husband is if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man is to marry his brother’s widow and raise up offspring for him.

Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a wife, but died childless.

Then the second and the third married the widow, and in the same way all seven died, leaving no children. And last of all, the woman died.

So then, in the resurrection, whose wife will she be? For all seven were married to her.”

The reverse is the case of a revered Ugandan spiritualist, Allman, popularly known as the Female Samson.

In an interview with Afrimax, Allman recounted how she was made to marry some residents the elders of her deity chose for her, in a bid to produce many children, which is a source of her power.

According to the spiritualist and traditional doctor, her service to her deity requires she gives birth to as many children as possible, but she can give birth to just one child per husband.

“I am a traditional doctor. I use the power of the dead to heal other people. And to be able to do that, I have to marry to get power and also to avoid punishment from my elders,” she said.

This is what led her into polyandry, and she is currently a mother-of-six, and yet to give birth for her recent husband.

Interestingly, Allman said her husbands live in harmony, each with his own house that she built for them prior to their marriage.

On how she satisfies them sexually, she said she is the only person that has the power to demand sex, and she chooses who she craves for.

“I satisfy all of them from time to time. None of them has ever complained and none will dare cheat because the elders will reveal it to me in a vision before it happens,” she said.

Allman receives queenly treatment from her husbands. She doesn’t walk on foot as she is constantly conveyed in a palanquin. Others ensure she doesn’t sweat and two of them are dedicated to fanning her.

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