Leaders Should Face The Challenges Of Their Office -Pst Tobi

By Olu Babalola

Leaders have been admonished to arise, rally the people and do what must be done to make their followers achieve divine purpose for their lives.

This advice was given by the Global Lead Pastor of SPAC Nation London, Pastor Tobi Adegboyega while speaking during the service of Powerbase Church, one of the five new Churches created by the parent Church.

According to Pastor Tobi, God will not rise until leaders make themselves available. because " the move of God starts with a man. This invariably means if men do not make themselves available, the plans of God may not materialize.”

Quoting from the book of Judges 5, he referred to Deborah and Barak making available at a time Israel was in dire need of leaders to step up.

The Global Lead Pastor whose impact on youths has not gone unnoticed in the United Kingdom and Africa stated expressly that leaders are expected to rally the people in their care stressing that a leader is expected to train one person the same way he trains a thousand people because that one person can grow into a thousand.

The Nigerian born minister of God also encouraged leaders to stand firm in times of crises and adversity. in in view of the fact the fact that  leaders are born in time in crisis.

“Whatever crisis you face is your call to leadership. Crisis demands a new way of thinking about old problems. Crisis is an opportunity to improve and advance on old ideas. God creates new crisis to stir you up and lead you to advancement.”

He urged people to not run away from crisis because it is always an opportunity for growth and development, which leads to greatness.

“Whatever the situation, you must solve crises on the way to greatness. If you want to be great, you cannot avoid adversity. When crises and adversity come do you sit and cry or you gird your loins and push through to achieve greatness?”

Charging people of the female gender, Pastor Tobi Adegboyega told them not to allow anyone to reduce them based on that.

“Your gender has nothing to do with your leadership skill. There were men when Deborah took up the gauntlet. She was not deterred by her gender. She did what had to do and Israel was better for it. Let no one look down on you because you are female; do not be associated with gossip. Instead, let your leadership skill pave the way to greatness for you.”

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