Nigeria @ 59: Ogun Gov calls for patriotism from Nigerians

As Nigeria celebrates the 59th independence anniversary,  the Ogun state Governor,  Prince Dapo Abiodun have said that the only remedy to take Nigeria out of the current challenges facing it is to promote peaceful co-existence, socio-economic development and respect for the rule of law.

Abiodun, called on Nigerians to continue to support the various programmes of this present administration saying that the  Buhari led administration is poised to bring succour to all Nigerians 

 He made the call in the address he delivered at MKO Abiola International Stadium, during the commemoration of the nation’s 59th Independence anniversary, saying his administration is determined to build a society with equal opportunities for all citizens of the state to fulfill their potentials.

His word, “in the spirit of the celebration of the 59th Independence anniversary of our great country, let me enjoin us that as we celebrate this anniversary, we should continue to promote peaceful co-existence, socio-economic development and respect for rule of law”.


“Our fifty-nine years of political independence as a nation has not been all glowing. Our dear country survived three traumatic years of the civil war between 1967-1970; we had our civil liberties curtailed under different military juntas. We also experienced the 1993 political impasse which was close to a national crisis, but we survived it”.


“Our experiences have taught us resilience; we have weathered together a lot of storm as a nation and people, and have come out stronger. It is a testament to our resilience that we are still standing as a country. Since 1999, we have continued to have civilian to civilian transition with each succeeding cycle better than the preceding one. And for this reason, we have cause to celebrate and thank God for keeping us together as a united nation whose diversity remains the tower of her strength”, he said.


“At 59, our dear country still has much work to do. We must remain patriotic. We must put our nation first. We must realise that we are Nigerians before any other affiliation.. Because of this, we should have the love of this country, whatever responsibilities that we are entrusted with, we should discharge them with fervour and commitment”.


“It is worrisome that our people are migrating to other countries for greener pastures. While some of our current national challenge may make it tempting to seek fortunes outside our shores, we must also realize that these countries were once in our position with different challenges. And indeed, more often than not, the greener pasture is a mirage”.


“In any case,  the  citizens of these countries did not run away but stayed and solved their problems together. I, therefore use this medium to encourage our people to come together as one and solve our challenges for the greater good of our nation. If we do this, our great Nation will be better”.


“As the leaders have responsibilities, the followers also have their own responsibilities to perform. And borrowing the word of a renowned South Korean Politician and former Secretary-General of United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, “Building sustainable cities – and a sustainable future – will need open dialogue among all branches of national regional and local government. And it will need the engagement of all stakeholders – including the private sector and civil society, and especially the poor and marginalized”. 


Speaking on his administration, Abiodun disclosed that “we are determined to build a society with equal opportunities for all to fulfill their potentials. Our Administration is committed to building a solid foundation in all that we do across all sectors so that we also have a good ending”.


“We have continued to bring our people into governance to be people inclusive. It is an opportunity for our people to have a say on their fields or area of specialization. All we request from you is your continued support, cooperation, patience and prayers as we continue to unfold and execute people-friendly programmes in the State. If we do this, we will build our future together, and, together, we will walk hand-in-hand to achieve the Ogun State of our collective dream”.


“It would be uncharitable for us to think that towards the successful implementation of our “Building our Future Together” Agenda, we can solely provide all the needed finance and materials. This is why we are sincerely committed to a Public-Private-Sector Partnership approach”.


He added, “Ogun State now has a Business Advisory Council that comprises stakeholders and focuses on ensuring that the business environment remains conducive and competitive for investments to grow”.


“To specifically to promote our PPP agenda, we have created a Public-Private Partnership office. This will enable us set clear predictable standard of engagement that will be applicable to all our development partners. In doing this, the business environment and partnership will be system driven, rather than personality driven”. 


He reiterated that his government is committed to giving Ogun State a focused and qualitative governance and to create the enabling environment for a Public-Private sector Partnership, which is fundamental to the creation of an enduring economic development and individual prosperity of the people of Ogun Stat, positing that in doing this, “we take cognizance of the fact that we must ensure equal access to the available opportunities and democratic dividends to all the people irrespective of the differences in gender, age, geographical location, political or religious affiliations among others

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