MAPOLY Unions suspend 4 weeks old strike

All the three staff Unions of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic; Non-Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics, (NASU), Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Polytechnics, (SSANIP) and Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics, (ASUP), have suspended their industrial actions in honour of the new governor of Ogun State, Dapo Abiodun.

While the duo of NASU AND SSANIP have been on strike for the past four weeks, ASUP had declared a work-to-rule for the same period.

In a separate communique issued at the end of their congresses held on 3rd June, 2019, both NASU and SSANIP said the strike action was suspended to honour the new governor and open windows of negotiating for their agitations.

On its own part, ASUP, through its Chairman, Babatunde Osifalujo, said the union was no on strike but on work to rule which has also been suspended in honour of the governor.

Osifalujo said ASUP was aware of the actions taken by the two other unions describing same as a welcome development.

NASU, in the Communique signed by the duo of its Chairman and Secretary, Kola Sopade and Jide Adeleye, respectively, however called on the governor to address the five months unpaid salary of its members by the immediate administration in the State.

The union said the intervention of the new administration is needed in order to rescue its members who could not meet up with their financial obligation any more.

The communique reads in part, "The Union, among other things, call on the Governor to as a matter of urgency, quickly come to the rescue of the staff of the institution who are being owed five months salaries due to the past administration's unpopular decision to upgrade MAPOLY to a University of Science and Technology.

"We hereby plead with the Governor to rescue the workers by clearing the backlog of fighting months salaries and re-instate MAPOLY to her old status."

SSANIP, in its own communique also signed by Chairman and Secretary; Olawunmi Musbau and Adeboye Oluyinka respectively, said the 'charming and future-promising inaugural speech' of the new governor rekindled the hope of the union to call off it's strike.

It reads, "The Congress, on this basis, decided to suspend it's ongoing strike action as a mark of honour to a Honourable man,  Prince Dapo Abiodun and directed all its members to resume work on Thursday with the hope that the new Governor will urgently attend to the issues of unpaid staff salaries and allowances as well as other lingering matters."

The congress further appealed to the management of the Institution to keep up pressure with the new Governor to ensure that all the outstanding salaries are fully paid.

The Unions have been at loggerheads with the Ogun State government over the decision of the last administration of Senator Ibikunle Amosun to upgrade MAPOLY to Ogun State University of Science and Technology, and to establish Ogun State Polytechnic in Ipokia area of the State.

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