Aresa- adu Stool: Counsel Fumes Over Oyerinde's Violation Of A Subsisting Order, As Family Condems Self - Declaration Action

Following the botched attempt to forcefully install himself as the next king of Iresa-adu which resulted in the breakdown of law and order last Wednesday, strong indications have emerged that the man at the center of the crisis, Prince Adeyeye Oyerinde may be arrested and charged for contempt of Court.

This is because counsel to the Emiolu royal family, whose turn it is to produce the next monarch of the town, Barrister Abiodun Julius declared that Oyerinde's action which sparked off crisis in the town which led to the destruction of properties, has violated the existing court order on the matter as well as all known principles for the installation of monarch in the town.

Oyerinde had unilaterally declared himself as the next Aresa-adu of Iresa-adu town without the approval of the kingmakers or any of the heads of the two royal families, the action which allegedly violated the Aresa-adu Chieftaincy declaration as approved by the laws of Oyo state.

His declaration was however, resisted by the entire people of the town, both old and young, including his won family members, who all trooped out to the streets en masse, in protest against his action which they considered as sacrilege to the Aresa-adu throne.

The protesters barricaded the roads, burning disused tyres and also vandalised two vehicles to show their displeasure over the matter.

But reacting to Oyerinde's action, Barrister Julius said while he does not want to delve deeply into the matter surrounding the Aresa chieftaincy being subjudice, Adeyeye's failed attempt to install himself as the Aresa using his brother as kingmaker was "a clear disobedience to a subsisting court order". 

Julius declared that Oyerinde's action was an affront against a subsisting court order in suit no: HCI/04/2019, which has restrained all the parties concern from going ahead with the processes leading to the nomination, installation or otherwise of the next monarch for the town.

He emphasised that no individual can install himself as an oba, either in Iresa-adu or anywhere in the entire Youbaland.

While expressing happiness that the whole town including all members of the Oshunbiyi ruling house where Adeyeye Oyerinde hails from for resisting the shameful attempt, Barr. Julius also said he has obtained the approval of his clients from the Aresa - Emiolu royal family to initiate "Contempt of Court" proceeding against the said Adeyeye Oyerinde.

Expressing surprise at the man's action, Julius explained that Adeyeye has earlier written an understanding with the police at the Ogbomoso Area Command, where he promised not to parade himself as Aresa or embark on any other act that is capable of disrupting the peace in Iresa'du.

Julius further hinted that the kingmakers of the town have also instructed their lawyers to follow suit so as to restore sanity and correct the wrong notion which Oyerinde has painted the entire kingdom before the right thinking members of the society through his selfish and inordinate ambition.

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