Ogun 2019: Paseda Joins The Race Again

According to Wikipedia, greatness is defined as a concept of a state of superiority, affecting a person or object in a place or area. Greatness also refers to individuals who possesses a natural ability to be better than others. Oxford Dictionary has defined greatness as the quality of eminence or distinction, while Cambridge Dictionary refers to greatness as skills and importance.

Now, having explored the various definitions of greatness, what has it got to do with politics? Greatness surely has a lot to do with politics especially where it involves the demonstration of one’s natural ability and skills in the act of governance. Yet it is good to note that politics itself is of tri-perceptibility.

There is pre-politics, in-politics and post-politics. While the pre-politics is associated with the period of time one is practicing politics with the view of contest and holding a political position which transforms into governance, the in-politics itself is the actual leadership position one is holding in government which in fact is expressed in the act of governance, the post-politics itself is the time of leaving government but in which the experience one has gathered over the years is used in the advisory level as the elder statesman.

The post-politics itself does not mean a retirement from politics or exemption of political affairs, rather it depicts the state of experiential contributions, which requires wisdom.

Now in nearly all this, pre-politics attracts its greatness and it surely has some elements of greatness, yet this could not be compared with the in-politics and post-politics which have actually been the tested and proven deeds of governance.

For Paseda, it is the pre-politics that is at work and what could indeed be celebrated on his lofty virtues are pre-politics strategies and tactics that are in place, which he has been using over the years to the admiration of all. Yet it is still vital to look critically into the definitions of greatness and apply it to Rotimi Paseda.

He possesses the natural ability that makes him better in politics, thus which enables him to be vigorous, dedicated, committed and passionately resilient. For now, give the pre-politics affairs to him and you can be rest assured Paseda is welding the weapon well. Paseda is using the pre-politics affairs as a mirror, through which he perceives governance what it is, what it ought to mean.

He has simply drawn his political map and made his political agenda surely on what he perceives not necessarily by what others who have tasted power think. Yet, these are all entrapped in what “Kethi Kilonzo” captures in his “Greatness of a political leader lies in the ability to achieve goals”.

In his words, “ideas are timeless. They float like clouds within the brains of individuals within the individuals who conceive them, these ideas remain dreams unknown and untapped. These ideas are only born when they are spoken of and spread to other people”.

Does this determine and fully express the pre-political affairs of Paseda on his path to greatness? As if reading the mind of Prince Paseda, Kilonzo further exemplifies that when people are fighting for their existence, when the question of “to be or not to be” must be answered, aesthetic considerations are set aside. Revolutionary political ideas can only have one purpose. One goal, One adversary, control of State power, government and the nation.

Its move must consolidate the attention of the people towards a singular vision, taking care that nothing splits the attention of the people towards their purpose, that goal, that adversary.

Even if there is more than one purpose, more than one goal, more than one adversary, the mover of the movement must have the genius to consolidate and focus the eyes of the people to attaining control of State power, government and the nation.

The more militant the energies of the people are directed towards that purpose, that goal, that single adversary, the likelihood that more new people will join the movement, attracted by the magnetism of its unified action, and adding to the fires of its striking power.

Such enthusiasm and passion can become intoxication and must be kept in that form and stoked to higher levels to endure the stamina required to take control of State power, form government and lead the nation. Paseda strives for greatness in every sense of politics. Within six months to the general elections in 2015, he stormed the political scene of Nigeria and used Ogun State as his “proven ground”.

Singlehandedly, he sponsored himself, and like a “one-man-mopol” marched the terrain vigorously, struggled nearly in everything with the oppositions and emerged with the “third” largest votes in Ogun State Governorship election. He became famous and achieved popularity in the process. His songs were in the mouth of the elders of the community, women and children.

In fact, his name became a “slogan” among the youths, which literally means “reverse the order” (Pa Ise Won Da)” Paseda”, this was political success he had and achieved.

Perhaps an enduring lesson of vital significance which could be learnt from him in the 2015 Gubernatorial election was his calmness after defeat and immediately strategising for next outing.He is a man with moral principles for politics who would never engage himself in any politics of bitterness. Paseda is a man who upholds the principles of the trying game. For him there is no harm in trial.

It is the Abraham Lincoln virtue he has adopted. Paseda is coming back again with his amazing political greatness to re-contest for Governor of Ogun State in 2019.

When the enthusiasm and the passion of the people is dampened, nothing will rekindle it again should the necessity of such enthusiasm and passion arise again.

Surely there is politics of greatness and greatness itself can be visualized and the way this relates to Paseda is summarized and concluded in the words of “Kilonzo” that the test of greatness of a political leader is the success of his plans and enterprises and his ability to reach the goal for which he sets out.

The doom of a nation can only be averted by a storm of glowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others. The nation will never be possessed by the faint-hearted.

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