My husband is a cultist, divorce-seeking woman tells court

A 56- year - old businesswoman , Grace Okonwa , has urged an Agege Customary Court in Lagos State to dissolve her 33-year - old marriage .

Grace, who resides at Command, Ipaja area of Lagos , told the court on Friday that there was no more love between her and the husband , Macaulay Okonwa , describing him as a cultist.
The mother of six said : “ my husband belongs to the Ogboni confraternity , he is devilish and demonic".
“ Whenever my husband have sexual intercourse with me , my stomach becomes swollen and when l go to the hospital for check - up , doctors will say nothing is wrong with me . ”
The petitioner alleged that the husband attacks her and the children spiritually .
She claimed that even the children were not spared in the devilish act as he had used his devilish powers to stop them from getting married .
The petitioner told the court that she enjoyed her marriage for only a few years since the union “ because my husband is a wife beater and a chronic fornicator .
“ My husband has turned me to a punching bag . He usually beats me to a pulp , tears my clothes to pieces and beats me nakedly.
“ I moved out of the house sometimes in 1994 when the beating became unbearable but after pleading by his family members and his promise to change , l returned in 1996. ”
The petitioner said that the beating continued after she returned to the house and the husband started bringing home different women .
She added that “my husband’ s lifestyle became worse as he will stay away from home for months .
“ My husband became a chronic fornicator , sleeping with different women without any form of care and when l complained about his ways, he beat me mercilessly .
“ There was a time l complained about his attitude and my husband beat me to a pulp, he used the sole of my shoe to hit my head, l became unconscious and was hospitalised for days . ”
The woman described the husband as devilish and irresponsible and urged the court to dissolve the marriage “ so that me and my children can live a peaceful life .
“ I am no longer interested in the union ; I want to live comfortably and in peace with my children .
“ I also want my husband to stop attacking me and my children both spiritually and physically . ”
The respondent was not in court after several summons had been sent to him .
The court ’ s President , Mrs Ibironke Elabor, advised the estranged wife to desist from believing that anybody could lay hold of her life , that she should be strong for herself and the children .
Elabor adjourned the case until August 14 for judgment .

(NAN )

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