44-year-old man born without genital gets new one

A British man , Andrew Wardle , who was born without a penis is preparing to have sex for the first time after being fitted with a bionic manhood .
Wardle successfully underwent the final stage of a £ 50, 000 penile implant operation at University College Hospital London on Friday and has been given the all- clear to finally lose his virginity .
As a test run, the 44- year - old will have an erection for the next 10 days before his implant is deflated .
Doctors have told Andrew he must then wait six weeks before having sex with his long - term girlfriend , Fedra Fabian 
The successful phalloplasty operation — which involves having a pump fitted to create an erection , will allow Andrew to feel like any other man. 
While he is looking forward to having sex, it is the addition of the male organ that will transform his life .
He told MailOnline : “ I’ m very excited that I can move on now . But I think having sex for the first time is more of a big deal for everyone else than it is for me . ”
“ I’ ve spent 44 years without a penis and I ’ ve coped with not having sex for all that time . It will take me a while to get in the swing of things.
“ Of course , I ’ m looking forward to it . But , for me , it ’ s not the be- all- and- end - all. It’ s a by - product of the operation . It will enable me to feel part of society . ”
He went on: “ I’ m feeling good because they’ ve given me painkillers , but I ’ m sure I will feel a bit sore later on.
“ I do feel different. I ’ m very aware there’ s some robotics inside me , but it feels a part of me now .
“ I’ m very aware that I am half -human half - robot at the moment . I’ m like the bionic man . I will even be able to perform if I am drunk . ”

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